In Hero Castle War: Tower Attack, a 2D action game, you assume the role of Hiro, a ninja under the tutelage of Master Daiki and his daughter Hana within a clandestine ninja village. When the vampire king Dakura discovers Hamlet, he kidnaps Hana and sends his army of corrupted ninjas, giants, dragons, and witches to protect her. Regardless of the overwhelming adversaries, Hiro is determined to save Hana. Why did Dakura kidnap Hana? Nobody knows. Help Hiro reach the top of the tower and save his sweetheart right away!
A secret ninja skill for absorbing enemy powers.
After you have enough power, transform into a higher form of a ninja.
Evil antagonists include vampires, skeletons, werewolves, spiders, dragons, and more.
June 2021 (Android, iOS)
June 2024 (webGL)
Web Browser (desktop and mobile)
Android and iOS
To play the game, use the left mouse button.